Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Winter League

The Winter League reached the half way point last night with the conclusion of the first 'round robin' games. All the game scores can be found here.

The league table after eight games looks like this.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Indoor Grand Match

Across Scotland last Saturday, 15 ice rinks hosted the Indoor Grand Match with over 529 club teams participating in the third event of its kind since its origination in 2000.

I am pleased to report that Aberdeen 1 beat Lothain Ladies 8-3 at Greenacres and Aberdeen 2 drew with Clydesdale Bank Midlothain 5-5 at Perth which means Aberdeen Curling Club successfully added 5 points to the North's total.

At the end of the day and once all the scores had been cross checked thoroughly the Grand Match Trophy was awarded to the South, with a shot difference of 379 points. The results can be found here.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Wanted : NE Province Match Secretary

Peter Malcolm and his wife Anne are leaving the Aberdeen area early in the new year so a new match secretary will need to be found.

He says "please give this serious consideration - somone has to do it, it's not really that much work, and it's not difficult".

For more details contact Peter direct.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Centenary Trophy and Pairs Competition

These two club competitions take place next month. Please give them your support.

The Centenary Trophy will be contested on Sunday 14 November at 12.15pm and again at 2.30pm with an evening meal thereafter. (24 players are required to make up 6 teams).

The Pairs Competition commences on Thursday 18 November at 6.15pm. (24 players are required to make up 12 pairs).

To enter put your name on the entry form on the club notice board or contact me direct.

Friday, 8 October 2010

New Member

Following John Evans withdrawl from Rink 6, please welcome Pawel Kubik into Aberdeen Curling Club.

Pawel (Paul) helped introduce curling into Poland and has played a leading role establishing the sport within the country and developing the national teams. He is presently the Eastern European representative on the ECF board.

Graham Stanley